•11:11 AM
hahaha..mlm nie hepi gler2..

sgt2 hepi dpt knl gan sorg kwn br nie..

nme die fatin..sorg yg peramah..

kitorg janji nk jmpe kat kLCC ari isnin nie..lusa laa..

ye la kbetulan plak ak nk g KL esk..

so,bleh la ajak die jln2 1x..hehe3..

mane taw kot2 nati kitorg bleh jdi best frendz???

dr penilaian ku die cam kwn2 ku yg laen gak..hehe..

sape taw kankan kan..ak gan die cam de chemistry jer..

blh plak ak bercrita mcm2 gan die..

waaah malu gler.hakhakhak3..tp ok jer..ak ni susah gak nk bcerita dgn org..

tp bila dah start cter haaaa..mmg rancak r..hohoho..

die sporting gler..so xkisah laa..ak pom sempoi jer..

kije ok jer laaa..haha3.dpt kwn br yeyeye..gembira..

hope psahbtan kitorg kekal hingga akhr hayat..aminnn..

doa2 kan lah yer..=D

ngantuk la plak..dah kul245 nie..so..cau dlu..

esk nk g KL..yuhuuuuu..

KL tggu dakuuuuuuuuuuuu..wacauuu..!!
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